Job Line

Job Line: 

Dispatch is open and sign-in is at 7:30 am for REGULAR calls, roll call will be at 8:00 am. UNFILLED calls can be picked between 8 am and 5 pm. Journeyman electrician calls will require a current Texas State Electrical Journeyman’s License ( IF A RESIDENT OF TEXAS ), ALL CW/CE calls require a current Texas State Electrical Apprentice License. All Calls require a drug test, and you must have an OSHA 10 card or certificate valid within 60 days, you must also present two forms of I.D.’s to receive a referral. 


December 23, 2024 

All Calls Require OSHA Card!




Fisk Electric                                                            *Posted 12/16/2024*
Unfilled Call
1 - Journeyman Wireman
Must pass drug test, have two forms of I.D. current electrical license from TDLR and OSHA 10.

Alterman                                                                 *Posted 12/13/2024*
Unfilled Call
Specialty Call
2 - Journeyman
Must have experience in Fire Alarm, Motor Controls, HVAC Controls and Service Work. Must have current Journeyman electrical license from TDLR, two forms of ID that meet I-9 requirements, pass a background check and drug test. 

Big State Electric                                                   *Posted 12/13/2024*
Unfilled Call
2 - CE's Level 6-8 (Apprentice)
Must pass drug test, have two forms of I.D. current electrical license from TDLR and OSHA 10.

Big State Electric                                                   *Posted 12/06/2024 - 11/19/2024*
Unfilled Call
12 - Journeyman
Must pass drug test, have two forms of I.D. current electrical license from TDLR and OSHA 10.

Gray Electric 
Unfilled                                                                    *Posted 09/11/2024*
Specialty Call
1 - Journeyman
Must have experience in Fire Alarm, Motor Controls, HVAC Controls, Service Work and Foreman Position, Will need to have Current Drivers License, Vehicle Insurance and Military Base Access Credentials. Also must have a current Electrical License from TDLR.



 Big State Electric                                              *12/20/2024  *12/16/2024 - *12/10/2024 - 12/04/2024*
Unfilled Call
1 - Level 5 Installer 90%
1 - Level 2 Installer 65%

1 - Structured Cabling Technician 100%
4 - Level 1 Installer 55%
1 - Level 3 Installer 75%
1 - Level 3 Installer 80%
Must pass drug test and have two forms of I.D.

 CDI Technology Services
Unfilled Call
 5 - Security Technician                                             *Posted 07/18/2023*
* Must Have OSHA 10 * 




Out of Work List:

  • Book I                       11 - Members 
  • Book II                        3 - Members
  • CW/CE                      20 - Members
  • Tele/Data List           3 - Members

Reminder, The local 60 jobline is available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week

Jobline phone number: (210) 337-0009

LAST JOB-LINE UPDATE is  @ 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday